Make your own Tarot Card with Mary Evans of Spirit Speak Tarot
Sunday April 19th from 2p-5pm at field day & friends 329 19th Street Down Town Oakland
Lets join together to discover and create!
Taught by Mary Elizabeth Evans, the creator of Spirit Speak Tarot
Sign up on line here
In this three hour class, each class member will either pick a tarot card that they feel a connection to, or, they will draw a card from the deck during class & let the cards decide. In our small setting, I will talk about each class member’s card, it’s traditional meaning, how I read that particular card in a reading, and, the symbolism in each card. Once we have all gotten familiar with our cards, materials will be provided to make your own version of the card. During the class I will talk about making and publishing your own tarot deck, how i got started reading the tarot, & resources that are valuable to self teaching the tarot.
We will also look through my own collection of tarot decks to compare imagery and symbolism. If you have a deck please bring it along~